Sample Baby Sleep Schedule: Weeks 46-52 (Merge 7)

How baby's routine should change as they approach their first birthday.

Congratulations! You have come a long way since the early days of the nine feed-wake-sleep cycles. Your baby's sample sleep schedule as they approach the one year mark has some small, but distinct, differences from baby's previous nap schedule.

First of all, this is when Baby no longer receives a liquid feeding before bedtime. He might receive a cup of formula, breastmilk or juice, but a bottle of milk is not necessary.

Second of all, you may have noticed our last Babywise sleep schedule left off at week 40 after Merge 6 (access our Merge 6 Sample Sleep Schedule), but this starts with week 46. As with any of the information you find within the pages of Babywise and on this website, you must use your best judgment as a parent for where Baby falls in these guidelines. Hopefully this will provide more freedom as you transition your baby through the stages.

It would be safe to characterize this as a year of transition, both for you and your baby, so celebrate and embrace this new stage!


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Your baby's new schedule should look something like this:

Baby's Sample Sleep Schedule: Weeks 46-52 
(Merge 7)


1. Breakfast: 7:00 a.m.

  1. Feeding
  2. Waketime
  3. Down for a nap

2. Midday

  1. Feeding
  2. Waketime
  3. Down for a nap

3. Late Afternoon: 4:00-5:00 pm

  1. Snack after nap
  2. Waketime
  3. Dinner time with family
  4. Early evening waketime

4. Bedtime: 8:00 pm

  1. Down for the night 

(Further information on feed-wake-sleep cycles and nighttime sleep can be found in Babywise II.)


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Excerpted with permission from On Becoming Babywise by Gary Ezzo, M.A. and Robert Bucknam, M.D., copyright Parent-Wise Solutions, Inc. You can learn more and purchase the book here.

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