3 Tips to Stay Sane as a Mom

Be the best Mom you can be while taking care of your kids.

Meet your needs and your childs.

If you’re a stay-at-home Mama, you may have found yourself busier than you ever imagined. There are so many demands on your attention that the days can blur together. Before you know it, another week (or even month) has flown past.

You might be left feeling like you’ve given your all, day in and out, yet you’re continually drained. If that’s the case, the new year is a perfect time to readjust your schedule.

Keeping your sanity as a Mama is as important to your kids well-being as it is to your own.

Check out these three tips for how to be the best Mom you can be, while taking the best care of your kids that you can.

3 Tips to Stay Sane as a Mom

Tip #1: Let Go of Guilt

Moms are conditioned to believe they should be able to meet everybody’s needs throughout the day. Realizing that you aren’t able to completely fulfill the social, physical, and spiritual needs of your child can cause panic.

Yet, you’re not actually Superwoman; everyone has limitations.

You’re no less of a mom by deciding to meet your needs (and even wants) instead of only your child’s. While this isn’t licence to forgo responsible parenting, it is freedom to take care of yourself just as well as you do your children.

Tip #2: Determine Your Needs and Wants

Your needs will vary from others. Try answering these three questions to jumpstart your thinking:
1. What helps me feel grounded and ready for the day?
2. What times of the day do I find myself easily overwhelmed?
3. What’s essential for me to have throughout the day if I’m going to be the best mom I can be?

Most moms will find that having a chunk of time (or two) throughout the day when they’re not actively parenting makes a big difference in overall morale. Early mornings, during naptimes, and after children’s bedtimes are good chances to regroup and refocus.

Things that are necessary for you to have a productive day should happen before your kids wake up. Perhaps taking a shower, having a cup of coffee, reading, or praying are your go-to activities. Whatever keeps you grounded is what you should plan for the early morning time.

During your next break (typically during naptime), consider what activities are essential for you to be the best you can be. This is usually a good opportunity for exercising, reading, working on a project, or catching up with friends. Instead of sitting on social media, choose one or two “essentials” you want to accomplish during this break.

After kids’ bedtime it's time to physically take a break. Pulling out a good book, watching a tv show, or catching up with your spouse are ways you can relax after a long day. Skip non-essential tasks left on your to-do list and spend an hour doing what you love.

Tip #3: Give Yourself Space

It’s perfectly fine to realize that even moms need time away. 

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Likely you’ll find that, even with consistent times to recharge throughout the day, you’ll long for a quick chance to escape. Talk with your spouse about how you can fulfill this need. Taking a walk, going for a run, or even an uninterrupted grocery store run might be enough of a break so you’re ready to be your best.

Decide what you need and rearrange in your day so everyone (including yourself) is happy and well-cared for. You won’t regret investing in yourself and your kids will love a Mama who’s ready to love them the best she can.

Jess Wartinger

Jess Wartinger

Jess Wartinger resides in rural New York with her husband and five children. Formerly an early elementary teacher, Jess currently spends her time loving her kids and holding down the fort at home.

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